Tax Address 


Working &

Seminar Offices

We provide tax address at real offices, designed to be fully functional for business meetings and co-working offices.

Necessary Steps

How can I get a tax address for my business?

Ask an offer for our services

You can ask for our offer which will be tailored to your needs upon the duration you want to lease the tax address. You may also need some of our additional services such as working, meeting or seminar offices, company formation services, accounting, tax and business consulting services. You and your team are always welcome to our business offices!

Submission of the Lease Contract

We draft the Lease Contract and we support your company for its electronic submission at the TaxiNet platform.

Pricing & Payment's completion

We issue the relevant payment document and you pay-off the Lease Contract’s amount, according to the Lease Contract’s Terms upon we agreed.

We offer tax address and integrated accounting services for your business 

 – tax address

company formation and accounting services          

working offices 

meeting rooms

seminar offices


The easy way for tax address and co-working offices.

Our services are the ideal solution for the startups and the businesses that need flexible options for cost-effective working offices options.


Check out our integrated services


Our tax address services include:  

  • Tax address for your business 
  • Electricity, Internet, Telephone, Water Supply, Cleaning Services.
  • Notifications regarding the mailing inbox (postal inbox) concerning your company, that will be received.



Our experienced accountants can provide you :  

  • company formation services
  • bookkeeping services
  • tax services 
  • business consulting services



We have designed a modern environment where you can work with your team or welcome your partners. We can provide you customised services upon your needs.

The services we can include in our offer are following :  

  • administration services during our office working hours
  • storage place for stationery and other stuff you need to keep at our place for your convenience
  • internet
  • printer
  • coffee, water

Integrated services for tax address and accounting services for startups and experienced businesses.


We would be happy to hearing from you and schedule an appointment to visit our offices and discuss further about our services.


   +30 2316 072985
    G. Gennimata 19-21, Pylaia, Thessaloniki

Let’s Talk

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